摩洛哥為了打擊文盲,努力推動「識字培訓職業學院(de Formation aux Métiers de l’Alphabétisation,IFMA)」,爾後取得了顯著的進展。
這一重大事件是由聯合國駐馬格里布辦事處、阿納爾法盟(the UNESCO Office for the Maghreb, Agence Nationale de Lutte contre l’Analphabétisme ,ANLCA)、歐盟駐摩洛哥辦事處(the European Union in Morocco),以及聯合國終身學習研究所(the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning,UIL)的技術支持下,共同組織的。
IFMA由歐盟與ANLCA合作協調,代表了摩洛哥應對識字挑戰的策略性回應。 這項措施是ANLCA規劃藍圖(2023–2027)的一部分,自2021年6月以來一直在進行開發,旨在使識字工作的價值鏈專業化。 為此,培訓主要針對促進識字學習的四個關鍵職業:管理者、教師培訓師、監督員和識字教師。 該計畫的實施歷時30多個月,分兩個階段進行:第一階段涉及培訓系統的開發;第二階段在摩洛哥的兩個地區進行了IFMA的試點計畫:丹吉爾-塔坦-阿爾胡塞 馬和貝尼-梅拉爾-肯尼夫拉(Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima and Béni Mellal-Khénifra)。
IFMA的啟動吸引了國家機構參與者以及感興趣的技術和財務合作夥伴。 與會者介紹了IFMA培訓體系,並邀請分享他們在良好實踐方面的國際知識,探討合作和夥伴關係的機會,評估IFMA目前和未來的需求和挑戰。
儘管摩洛哥正在取得進展,但仍面臨著文盲的持續普遍問題,突顯了有必要繼續努力,顯著減少該國成年非文盲人口的數量。 為了應對這項重大社會挑戰,該國正在推出一項創新措施。 根據2014年的人口和住房普查,摩洛哥10歲及以上的人口中近三分之一是文盲,存在令人擔憂的地域和性別差異。 新推出的IFMA培訓計劃證明了摩洛哥致力於解決這項挑戰的承諾。
IFMA代表了朝著實現「馬拉喀什行動框架(Marrakech Framework for Action)」目標邁出的重要一步,促進終身學習文化,應對數位轉型和氣候變遷帶來的挑戰,減緩不平等。
Launch of the Institut de Formation aux Métiers de l’Alphabétisation (IFMA) in Morocco
This major event was organised jointly by the UNESCO Office for the Maghreb, Agence Nationale de Lutte contre l’Analphabétisme (ANLCA), the European Union in Morocco, and with the technical support of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL).
IFMA, which is coordinated by the European Union to UNESCO in partnership with ANLCA, represents a strategic response to literacy challenges in Morocco. This initiative – which is part of ANLCA’s roadmap (2023–2027) and has been under development since June 2021 – aims to professionalize the value chain of literacy work. To do this, the training targets four professions essential to promoting literacy learning: managers, teacher-trainers, supervisors and literacy teachers. Implementation of the project took over 30 months and was done in two phases: the first involved the development of the training system; the second phase saw the piloting of IFMA in two regions of Morocco: Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima and Béni Mellal-Khénifra.
The IFMA launch was attended by national institutional players as well as interested technical and financial partners. Participants were presented with the IFMA training system and invited to share their international knowledge on good practice, explore opportunities for partnerships and collaboration, and assess IFMA’s current and future needs and challenges.
Although Morocco is making progress, it still faces a persistent prevalence of illiteracy, underlining the need to continue efforts to significantly reduce the number of non-literate adults in the country. Committed to this fight, the country is launching an innovative initiative to address this major societal challenge. According to the latest general census of population and housing (GRPH 2014), almost a third of the population aged 10 and over is illiterate, with worrying territorial and gender disparities. The newly launched IFMA training programme is evidence of Morocco’s commitment to addressing this challenge.
IFMA represents a significant step towards achieving the objectives of the Marrakech Framework for Action by fostering a culture of lifelong learning, addressing the challenges associated with digital transformation and climate change, and mitigating inequality.